The Brazenhood

The Brazenhood is an ancient tribe of feminine energy. Souls that are reuniting in this lifetime to fight. To fight the spiritual battles that are largely unseen but felt by most.

The High Priestess is at the center, she calls her sisters from all corners of the world. She calls for their return to home. She calls only their highest selves and asks for complete devotion to the cause. The cause being the protection of all, the evolving of all, the connection of all to source. The Brazenhood honors all their ancestors who have fought this battle before, and do so to protect all who shall follow.

This series will be complete when all members have come home.

Sorta Surreal

Sorta Surreal is a collection of concepts and creatures that exist but do not exist. This art is not "created", rather I merely bring it into view for the observer. My reason for doing so is to challenge the viewer to have new thoughts, to ask deep questions of themselves. To be confused, maybe a little disturbed. To have a gut reaction to it. I want it to linger in one's mind.

This collection is where I feel free to fully explore energy in a less structured surreal-meets-abstract-meets-expressionism way. This work is largely self-portrait even if not readily apparent. Nothing here is planned, it is created entirely intuitively as I go about my life and evolve my soul.


Imagine walking deep into the forest ... the deeper you go the quieter and more still it becomes. Then you reach a point of complete silence and near darkness. It feels like a transformational place. You slowly take another step and hear a slight delicate sound. Could it be the sound of a star? Twinkling?

You instantly yearn to be closer. But must tiptoe because you feel you have just discovered a secret dimension. You begin hearing sounds you have never heard before. You start seeing colors you can't describe. Your skin starts to tickle with electricity. You start to forget your previous existence. How you even arrived here.

Welcome to the Magic Garden! A place where emotions and thoughts are visible as beings that seem to be a mix of fairies, flowers and stars. Where every being is as pure as a child; where every being can fully thrive. A place where love is the only law. A place that I know exists because I visit every time I laugh.


I have always loved skulls. I see them as the perfect blank canvas for expression. They are part of all of humanity: past, present and future. They are free of gender, race and all ideological preferences. They are free from all apparent judgement; they have a steadfast expressionless-expression.

Skulls are essential for life; they cradle and protect our brains. I see them as beautiful reminders of what it means to be incarnated in human form. Skulls often provoke a dark reaction and I appreciate the juxtaposition with vibrant colors and spiritual ideas.

The skull also cradles the human elements I appreciate the most, the eyes and mouth. And when I look at a skull, I am reminded that we are not our bodies. I am reminded that we are eternal and that death is as natural as being born.